Everything You Need To Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

As we grow older, different hormones in our bodies ebb and flow. Because these hormones help regulate a range of body functions, even a slight imbalance in them can negatively impact your health and lifestyle. These fluctuations are seen during puberty, pregnancy, and childbirth, but we also experience them as a natural part of aging. This is referred to as menopause in women and andropause in men, but both can cause unpleasant side effects because of the changes in how the hormones are balanced.

The good news is, Dermatology Realm can help! Our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT, can relieve the physical and psychological symptoms in men and women caused by hormonal imbalance. If increased energy, reduced symptoms of depression, improved libido, and reduced hot flashes sounds good to you, this could be the treatment you’ve been looking for! Keep reading below to learn more about this exciting option.

What are hormones? What do they do?

Hormones are the chemicals produced in your endocrine system. They travel through your bloodstream, sending messages from your brain to your tissues and organs to keep your bodily functions running smoothly. These functions include your metabolism, heart rate, libido, reproductive development, growth, moods, and more! When you better understand how much our hormones are involved in, it’s easy to see how even a minor imbalance can be problematic. 

Everything You Need To Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalances

As we noted above, hormonal imbalances can happen to both men and women throughout their lifetimes. Outside of puberty, pregnancy, and childbirth, women tend to experience these imbalances most acutely during perimenopause and menopause. This is generally due to lowered estrogen or progesterone, but other factors can contribute to hormonal imbalances, as well, such as: 

  • stress
  • diabetes
  • underactive or overactive thyroid
  • obesity
  • diet
  • chemotherapy

There are many common symptoms of hormone imbalances for women, which may include:

  • heavy or irregular periods
  • hot flashes
  • vaginal dryness
  • weight gain
  • thinning hair or hair loss
  • dry skin
  • hair growth on the face, neck, and chest
  • mood changes
  • decreased libido 

Men can also experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance due to decreased levels of testosterone. These symptoms can include:

  • low sperm count
  • decreased libido
  • erectile dysfunction
  • reduced muscle mass
  • increased growth of breast tissue
  • reduced body hair growth

Dermatology Realm specializes in a safe and natural treatment to treat these symptoms! Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can reduce or eliminate symptoms associated with perimenopause, menopause, or andropause by mimicking your body’s former hormonal balance.

What are bioidentical hormones?

While some symptoms of hormonal imbalance can be treated with lifestyle changes, others may respond well to hormone replacement. There are two kinds of hormone replacement therapies, one using synthetic hormones and the other using bioidentical hormones. Synthetic hormones are derived from the urine of pregnant horses and were very popular for many years, but bioidentical hormones are now the therapy of choice for many people. This is mainly due to the fact that bioidentical hormones are made of plant-based estrogens that are incredibly similar to the estrogen our own bodies produce naturally. They can be a great option for those who can’t take or prefer not to take synthetic hormones. 

How do bioidentical hormones work?

Bioidentical hormone therapy can help women and men who are dealing with hormonal imbalances or low hormone levels. For some, this treatment can even improve skin quality, reduce wrinkles, and decrease the chance of developing cataracts! While bioidentical hormones are available in patches, pills, creams, gels, and shots, Dermatology Realm uses pellet therapy.  

Because bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure of hormones that are naturally produced in the body, they allow those hormones to function at the most optimal level. Research has shown that delivering bioidentical hormones through a pellet placed under the skin is the safest and most effective method of hormone replacement therapy.

What is pellet therapy?

The pellets we use are composed of estradiol or testosterone that have the exact molecular structure of the body’s natural hormones but are made from organic plant materials. These are pressed into a solid compound that’s about the size of a grain of rice. We’ll insert this small pellet under the skin in the hip area, where it will release small amounts of hormone directly into the bloodstream. This works so well because the method is similar to how the ovaries and testes release hormones during our younger years. 

When we use this treatment method, the pellets are able to deliver a consistent level of hormone into the bloodstream. This allows patients to avoid some of the fluctuations that can occur with creams, pills, or patches. Delivering the bioidentical hormones directly into the bloodstream also protects the liver, which can be affected by oral hormone therapy. Pellets eliminate the production of increased clotting factors, as well. 

Our pellet therapy balances the testosterone and estrogen that are necessary for producing serotonin. This chemical regulates how people feel, and without it, it can cause tiredness, irritability, and difficulty focusing. In women, the pellets last anywhere from 3-5 months. In men, they can last up to 6 months. There are minimal side effects and very little downtime associated with this outpatient treatment.

As with any medical procedure, bioidentical hormone therapy is not suitable for everyone. For example, women who have had breast, ovarian, or endometrial cancers should avoid any type of hormone replacement therapy. Those who are prone to blood clots are not a good candidate for BHRT, either. When you schedule a consultation with our expert team, we’ll be able to assess your compatibility with bioidentical hormone therapy. 

Everything You Need To Know About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Feel like yourself again with BHRT from Dermatology Realm

If you’ve been suffering from any symptoms of hormonal imbalance, bioidentical hormone therapy could be exactly what you’re looking for! Your hormonal health plays a big role in the way your body functions, and we’re here to help you feel your best again. To learn more about this safe and effective treatment option, get in touch today to schedule a consultation and feel like yourself again!